Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Assignment 5

Assignment 5 was to design a greeting card. The objective of the assignment was to show the colour theory; contrast, colour complements, colour psychology etc.

The theme of the card is "love" and we each need to insert a love quote in the card. Did some search on the net for some fresh ideas and but didn't managed to chance upon any nice ones. I then decided to drop by the bookstores to take a look at the greeting cards. Did a search for the love quotes online too but figured out that those are too mushy to be used. Decided to come up with my own quote then.

So after doing the research. I came up with a few guidelines for my card.

1. Layout: It is going to be simple. There are some cards that had the very complicated brush effects and I thought it was too overwhelming. Others had too much hearts or too much pink and red on the cards.

2. Colours used: To portray the meaning of "love", I decided to use pink and purple as the main colours for the card. Guess they would go well since they are complementary colours, according to the colour wheel. The pink and purple shall not be too overwhelming. Down at my trip to the bookstore, I saw cards that just had a whole chunk of pink and red splashing all over the card. That was just simply TOO over.

So with that, I did a few drafts~

The second design; trying out a different colour scheme.

The last cover received the most positive feedback. Moft the work was done in Illustrator with lines and shapes (as usual). Photoshop was used for further editing in adjusting the opacity of the other two colours to create the blending effect, to position the 2 figures and to input the text.

Did the inside and back too~

Comments received:

- Cute and has the appeal

- Good use of colours
- A bit conventional though
- Words are too faint to be seen (I have already darken the colour of the words, hope they look fine)

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Assignment 3

Assignment 3 was to create a visual story with a twisted ending via 10 photos, and easy as it sounds, it is a DAMN HARD assignment.

You could have alot of interesting ideas but time and space (10 pictures) constraint can easily dump away half of your ideas. The other half is dumped due to character constraints (not being able to find people to help out with your story).

The other difficulties I had met with was constructing the flow of the story. Because the story was to be shot in still images, the flow you get from motion is not there. So this results in you having to construct and organise your individdual frames very carefully.

But despite the difficulties, I had real fun overall!

Check out my story below:

Comments received:

- Nice twist

- The switch of photo orientation is weird. I should keep to the 6" X 4" frame.

- The guys looked more like bubbies than "lovers". Some even recommended that I make the look more gay, for instance, getting one of the guys to hold a sling bag. But I didnt want to overdo stuffs, as much as it might add to the visual effects. I don't think it is very nice to stereotype the homosexuals.

So I guess I would just be going to change the guy's red top to pink :)

More comments welcomed!