Thursday, February 21, 2008

Assignment 2

Assignment 2 was to create an abstration process of an image via either iconic representation or indexical representation.

So here's my final abstraction. I hope it shouldnt be too much of a problem because this particular company has done their marketing really well.

Its an Ipod!!! Did you guess it correctly?

My 6 levels of abstraction (after some minor editing)

I spent quite a bit of time doing the abstraction, espeically the 2nd and 3rd images, having to switch from Illustrator to Photoshop and back, at times. But I guess what really got me interested was the abstraction process; how you had to plan the removal of details in a "smooth" manner yet maintaining the impression that it is an ipod.

Comments received from others were generally positive. Some recommended that I remove the time bar on the fourth image (which I did as you can see).

P.S. I like the last abstraction the best. Simple, yet powerful meaning.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Assignment 1 (after digitalised)

The finalised digitalised copies!! Presentation in class was interesting because you get to review everyone's (well almost) work and everyone gets to review your work.

Introducing "hate"

I changed the "white holes" into bullet holes because one of my friends reflected that the white holes look out of place. Bullet holes would better reflect my "hatred" towards these juicy stuffs, I hope.

Most of the work was done using Adobe Illustrator. Traced the letters using manual trace, which was alot of work. "L" and the curves on "e" were doneusing the lines and shapes in Illustrator. Live Paint was then applied and gradient came in last.

- To draw worms crawling out of the holes
- To draw juice spurging out of the holes

I had decided to leave the holes as bullet holes because drawing worms would confuse the "hatred". A few friends commented that people might mistook it "I hate worms crawling out of tomatoes" instead of I hate tomatoes.

And this is love..

Similarly, much of the work for this piece was done in Adobe Illustrator using the lines and shapes.


- Name can be seen clearly

- Sweet and neat piece

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Assignment 1

Had some fun brainstorming ideas for Assignment 1 but the "designer complacency" (a syndrome where one gets obsessed with one's designs and refuse to heed the words of others) came in and I had quite a hard time trying to scrap my initial ideas to work on new ones.

First Drafts

First drafts for "hate" was totally out of point. Only realised that it was out of draft during tutorial classes. The words are supposed to be part of the picture and not separated.
So I went back and did a few new ideas,

The last idea received the most positive comments. Most people could see my name and the hatred towards tomatoes.

Coloured the last idea and presented it in class. Comments are as below
- Tomatoes look like strawberries?!
- Can see the "hatred" towards tomatoes as portrayed by the hammer hitting the tomatoes
- Letter "N" can be further improved on
- Name (Leen) can be seen clearly

Love was a easier task. Luckily my drafts did not go out of point.

- Can add more creativity to the small "e"s
- Name can be seen clearly except for the letter "E". Looks like "B"
Other comments are welcomed!!