Thursday, February 21, 2008

Assignment 2

Assignment 2 was to create an abstration process of an image via either iconic representation or indexical representation.

So here's my final abstraction. I hope it shouldnt be too much of a problem because this particular company has done their marketing really well.

Its an Ipod!!! Did you guess it correctly?

My 6 levels of abstraction (after some minor editing)

I spent quite a bit of time doing the abstraction, espeically the 2nd and 3rd images, having to switch from Illustrator to Photoshop and back, at times. But I guess what really got me interested was the abstraction process; how you had to plan the removal of details in a "smooth" manner yet maintaining the impression that it is an ipod.

Comments received from others were generally positive. Some recommended that I remove the time bar on the fourth image (which I did as you can see).

P.S. I like the last abstraction the best. Simple, yet powerful meaning.

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